I was wondering where did red pill & doughnuts go, even thought maybe i unsubscribed by mistake, but finally here you are! I loved every line of your newsletter, especially how significant the fact about people is city barely see stars. Like, dude I discovered it when I went to forest!!

Details about mountain, has my HEART 😭❀️

I hope to read your essay soon, obviously when you decide to throw it our way!

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Beautiful. Reminiscent of Kant and philosophy on the sublime: the pain and fear of being dwarfed by our surroundings and the wonder and awe of the beauty of the environment. That it is often simultaneous is what makes it conflicting and bittersweet. It sounds like you had a grand adventure! πŸ’—

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Oh Arya!!! I was just about to DM you the other day about the newsletter and where it vanished! Gosh so beautiful! Your writing is only getting better and better!

Now you've awoken the itch to travel to the mountains lol. Especially your explanation of the stars made my mouth water for travel (if u know what I mean)!

Your words transported me to the cold as fuck but gorgeous mountains, and only increased my yearnings to visit Himalayas! Hopefully I should be able to visit this year! I cannot wait!

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That feeling of looking at the night sky is so fucking relatable πŸ˜‚

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Ahh, now I feel overdosed on red pills and doughnuts after being deficient for so long :D

Damn, I feel like you pulled me in and slapped on some magical glasses that had me seeing what you were seeing during your trip.

This is exactly the type of trip I want to do next. I want to just lie down and look at the stars for hours on end. Chuck my phone and electronics away for a few days and really focus on the present moment. Not sure if you read the Power of Now, but it really opened my eyes to being more present in the moment.

" but the gist is that you matter even less than you think you didn’t so go fucking nuts for the sake of the only person that truly cares and is getting affected by what you do"<- This quote hit me like rock solid frozen chicken nuggets. Whenever I say I can't go to an event or hang with friends and family because of work, I'm just like what's the point of this project in the long run? Was it really worth the sacrifice? Your quote there reminded me that moments like this are a reminder to choose are time wisely.

Damn, you got me thinking all sorts of things now. Thank you for writing your newsletter again. I know I keep bugging you but your newsletter really does help people!

Cheers my jolly pen pal friend!

From your jolly friend Christine

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